Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Happy Fall!

Fall is going by quickly, and before you know it the holidays will be here! Before they have time to sneak up on you, we wanted to remind you of a few important dates, as well as discuss some of our events in more detail. 

First of all, on October 30th the fantastic Adair McConnell will accompany silent film 'Phantom of the Opera' on the organ, starting at 6:30 in the showroom. Adair has accompanied silent films and played theatre organ for many years and has a massive portfolio of musical works. This event is guaranteed to be fun and entertaining!

Admission is free for Whitesel Music Academy students and families. $3 for friends, neighbors, and guests. 

This is a B.Y.O.B. event (blanket, beverage, bean bag, etc.) Popcorn will be provided. 

Give us a call at (540)-434-1376 to RSVP or for more information! Or like our facebook page to join the event online!

Second, the Whitesel Music Academy Winter Recital is rapidly approaching. Please mark your calendars for this event and come out to support our fantastic students! Our piano and violin students will be performing their recital pieces and so will our group students. A short reception will follow their performance and we will provide light refreshments. Please feel free to bring friends and family to this event, the more support we can get for our students the better! However, please be sure to RSVP via phone 540-434-1376, or on our facebook page, so we can ensure there are enough refreshments. The event will be held Sunday December 14th, at 3pm at Whitesel Music. 

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